Saturday, July 4, 2009

What you do when you're at home

I have my red suitcase packed. Its filled with winter clothes and all the papers and naked male trading cards and postcards and other miserabilia that I convinced myself to keep. I'm not saying they are all bad memories, I just want the chance to look back on it all and laugh gutturally. My past six months in lists-

ways I cope with bad roommate(s)
-Drinking tea constantly, initially this was smoking
-Pretending not to be at home and actually being good at this noise-wise
-Pretending not to understand Spanish, or otherwise being blissful on command
-Staying out as often as possible, going to field camps, travelling, staying at Natalys
-Cleaning what is dirty even if its not my turn to do it that week

ahh lists.
heres another

lively things that make me want to kiss your neck
-seeing anyone in a garish hat
-going to the dentist
-sleeping in when I'm on trips
-passing by the locutorio 'Samy'
-hearing the Beatles in the metro, also seeing strawberry stands that are everywhere in Germany
-naked angel bodies (dreams)

and one more

chaos and general roughbeatness I will Miss but not really
understanding for insomnia, considering this healthy
-paying for public toilets, or pissing on the street
-lack of understanding of personal space if you're walking alone, always wanting to accompany you to the metro, to the corner, to do your shopping
-crazies singing or banging things
-the 'you can wear whatever the fuck you want' attitude of Madrilenos, like diaper pants that of course go with showing your cute underwear


This is Berlin. Being there for a week gives me the impression that it is constantly being updated and renovated and a small, dog-accompanied few prefer and hold on to the rest. The state actually pays you a special assistance if you have a dog, according to some girl I met, and there are plenty of other systems that help out the people that hold on so tightly to the dry rot and waning city structures..

So we walked around near the Brandenburg Gate and saw the Jewish memorial maze in the afternoon, with the sun shadows twisting and making the stones wave up and down and I started to feel like this is what it must be like to be in a place overcrowded with people, each as confused as you as to why you are there. I didn't take any pictures.

There are fantastically lighter parts of Berlin and my experience involved us three hanging out in various parks around town, drinking good beer that John picked out for me and eating curryfries. Katharina is a goddess. A bit strange, with tons of projects in her apartment that made it inviting and safe, wonderful creature comforts..this is where I slept, and yes that is Baloo.