ways I cope with bad roommate(s)
-Drinking tea constantly, initially this was smoking
-Pretending not to be at home and actually being good at this noise-wise
-Pretending not to understand Spanish, or otherwise being blissful on command
-Staying out as often as possible, going to field camps, travelling, staying at Natalys
-Cleaning what is dirty even if its not my turn to do it that week
ahh lists.
heres another
lively things that make me want to kiss your neck
-seeing anyone in a garish hat
-going to the dentist
-sleeping in when I'm on trips
-passing by the locutorio 'Samy'
-hearing the Beatles in the metro, also seeing strawberry stands that are everywhere in Germany
-naked angel bodies (dreams)
and one more
chaos and general roughbeatness I will Miss but not really
-understanding for insomnia, considering this healthy
-paying for public toilets, or pissing on the street
-lack of understanding of personal space if you're walking alone, always wanting to accompany you to the metro, to the corner, to do your shopping
-crazies singing or banging things
-the 'you can wear whatever the fuck you want' attitude of Madrilenos, like diaper pants that of course go with showing your cute underwear